Classic Amiga PPC Equipped Models
Amiga 1200, 3000(T) and 4000(T) equipped with PowerPC processor expansion cards
Processor Cards
phase5 or DCE Blizzard PPC (all models – no SCSI driver yet)
phase5 or DCE Cyberstorm PPC (all models)
Memory Expansions
ZorRAM 128MB or 256MB (Amiga 3000(T) or Amiga 4000(T) only)
DKB 3128 Zorro Memory Card (Amiga 3000(T) or Amiga 4000(T) only)
PCI BusBoard Expansions
Elbox Mediator A1200 (all models)
Elbox Mediator 3/4000 (all models including the new MK-II version)
Maytay Prometheus
Firestorm (upgraded Prometheus)
Graphics Cards (PCI)
Sapphire ATI Radeon 9250 PCI 256MB (128MB visible) (card is 3.3 Volt or 5 Volt)
Elbox ATI Radeon 9250 PCI 256MB (5 Volt only)
Elbox ATI Radeon 9200 PCI 64MB (5 Volt only)
Radeon 9200 256MB (RV280/M9+) (3.3 Volt card working in modified 3.3 volt A4000 Mediator)
3DFX Voodoo Banshee 16MB PCI (no Warp3D, no overlay, no hardware pointer)
3DFX Voodoo 3 16MB (including Warp3D and DDC)
3DFX Voodoo 4 32MB (including Warp3D)
3DFX Voodoo 5 64MB (only 32MB recognized, including Warp3D)
Graphic Cards (Zorro)
Picasso II or II+
GVP Spectrum
Picasso IV
Piccolo SD64
Retina Z3 (Altais)
Cybervision 64
Cybervision 64/3D
Graphic Cards (other)
Cybervision PPC 8MB Permedia 2 (including Warp3D – beta)
Blizzardvision PPC 8MB Permedia 2 (including Warp3D – beta)
Deneb USB Controller (requires Poseidon 4.x)
Subway USB Controller (requires Poseidon 4.x)
Highway USB Controller (requires Poseidon 4.x)
Network Cards (PCI)
Realtek 8029(AS) based PCI network card
Network Cards (Zorro)
Commodore 2065 (requires user supplied driver to be placed in DEVS:networks)
Zeus ConneXion (C= 2065 clone) (requires user supplied driver to be placed in DEVS:networks)
VillageTronic Ariadne II (requires user supplied driver to be placed in DEVS:networks)
X-Surf (needs a patched Ariadne driver). The on-board IDE does not work.
SATA Controllers (PCI)
Sabrent 2 port SATA Raid PCI controller (Silicon Image 3512 chipset) (5V compatible)
No-Name 4 port SATA PCI Controller (Silicon Image 3114 chipset) (5V compatible)
IDE Controllers
Silicon Image 0680 based PCI cards (Firestorm only)
Elbox FastATA 1200 MK-III (PIO-0 to PIO-5 modes supported)
4 port adapters IDEFix, EIDE99, FastATA (using scsi.device)
SCSI Adapters/Converters
ACard AEC-7720UW SCSI to IDE converter (Tested in A4000)
Sound Cards (PCI)
Generic PCI Sound Card, Model SCBAS104, ESS Solo-1 1969 chipset (5V Compatible)
Terratec ESS Solo-1 (TTSOLO1-N VER1.1)
ESS Solo-1 (1938 chipset) – confirmed by one user Note: not all variants of this card will work
Soundblaster 128
Sound Cards (built-in or Zorro)
Concierto IV (Picasso IV add-on sound card)
TV Tuners and video encoders
VillageTronic Picasso IV – Paloma IV (needs modification of kicklayout as documented in FAQ)
VillageTronic Picasso IV – Pablo II
Other Peripherals
Thermaltake BlacX ST0005U e-SATA Hard Drive Dock
(e-SATA bracket or backplate and working SATA PCI controller card required)
Known incompatible Cards
phase5 FastLane Z3 (machine will not boot with card installed)
DCE GRex 1200 and 4000 (no documentation available)
AlienDesign Repulse Sound Card
AmigaOS is available for the old classic Amiga models that are equipped with Cyberstorm PPC or Blizzard PPC accelerator boards. AmigaOS supports most of the available hardware like the IDE/SCSI hard disk, Prometheus or Mediator PCI BusBoard, the RTL8029 based PCI Network cards, PCMCIA network cards, ZorRAM 128MB or 256MB Zorro 3 Memory card, BVision/Radeon/Voodoo Gfx cards etc.
AmigaOS is able to extend life for this old hardware, bringing new experience to it's user. Now, even those machines can run the latest available software for AmigaOS like full featured web browsers, music and video players etc..